He has recently been included in: Moon Dust, La Vachiello, Bologna; Spacecraft, Stoke Newington Library, London; Brouhaha, Etcetera Gallery, London.
Newlove Horton is interested in the relationship between language and time and has recently developed a series of works Parallel Cites, which juxtapose newspaper headlines from different times. Headlines and newspaper stories are, of course, particular to their time. Angle, style, and particularly content, all shift and change along with the time, meaning a newspaper headline acts, to some extent, as an anchor to a specific point within the history of the world. Language is a clear marker of place, and so too are people, actions, attitudes, and perspective. By bringing a headline from the past onto the same plane as one from the present (and visa versa) Newlove Horton aims to situate even the unaware, glancing viewer into a momentary stasis – a plateau or ‘time warp’ where time becomes not static, but circulatory – where time treads water. As the two texts feed into each other, new meanings and contextual relationships are formed. Each headline acts as a coordinate and as they overlap their borders blur and merge to create a previously inaccessible historical and linguistic landscape – a topography repositioned from, but parallel to, our own. For ex he will show a new version of Parallel Cites. An L.E.D sign displays the current day’s main headline as well as its equivalent, from the same date four years previously, when Newlove Horton had just begun the foundation course. In this new version, the work takes on an autobiographical role, mapping the time between then and now; the world having continued to turn.

Parallel Cites - L.E.D display - 2009