Michael Pollard was born in Leeds in 1987. He is currently on the BA Fine Art course at Chelsea College of Art & Design.
He recently showed in 12 Steps Down, Shoreditch Town Hall, London; Black Dogs Vs Werewolves, Dazed and Confused Gallery, London; Play Contra, Nolias Gallery, London. He is to be included in Kiwon and the Antiflats at Etcetera Gallery, London in May 2008.
Pollard’s work is concerned with the use of repetition and process. Room of Pots viii (optimum height) is a representation of an ongoing process: the production of miniature ceramic vessels. The size of the vessels is in direct contrast to their quantity within the installation, which also serves to highlight the intricacy of detail and the inherent differences of each ceramic. By siting the piece at eye level one is discouraged from an immediate overview, and is instead encouraged to look through and within the simplicity of elements thus submerging the viewer.