He recently showed in: Glasgow Fleeto, Shoreditch Town Hall, London; A working way forward, Glasgow School or Art Barnes Building, Glasgow; One step forward, Glasgow School of Art Barnes Building; The fish that never swam, Glasgow School of Art Barnes Building, Glasgow; Parallels, Grace and Clark Fyfe Gallery, Glasgow; Eyebrow Says Relax, Glasgow School of Art Barnes Building, Glasgow.
Upcoming exhibitions include: RSA New Contemporaries 2010, The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh (dates to be confirmed).
Pulleyn was awarded the Hutchinson Fine Art Prize in 2010.

Unit 6 - 43m - Wood, screws, power drill and string - 2010

Unit 6 - 43m (D) - Wood, screws, power drill and string - 2010

Unit 6 - 43m (C) - Wood, screws, power drill and string - 2010