He has recently been included in: Mill24, Islington Mill Academy, Manchester; No Soul For Sale (with Black Dogs), Tate Modern, London; OpenForum, Matt Roberts Gallery, London; The Middle of Nowhere: Objects and Actions in the Abyss, Departure Gallery, London; Bricks, Area 10, Peckham, London; Black Dogs DIY Survival Kit (at the Leeds Summat), Leeds University Union, Leeds; Barterama, Barbican Conservatory, London; Group Show, JWT Offices, London; Interim (as The Free Studio with Callum Crawford), Leeds College of Art, Leeds; Self Titled (with Roland Ross), The Bob and Roberta Smith Show on Resonance FM; Triangel, Triangel, Bentlage, Germany, exhibition and weeklong residency with artists from London and Poznan, Poland.
He co-edited The One Staple Magazine with Amy Brooks. The publication was launched at Matt Roberts Gallery, London. He worked with Amy Brooks, Callum Crawford, and Roland in the production of Lucky Pages, published by Lucky PDF Gallery. His essay Bob Marley and Sol LeWitt - On Mysticism and the Possibility for an Artwork, is stored at the British Library.
He launched and taught at The Free Studio Pedagogical Exercise at St Martins College of Art, April to July 2010.

useful work vs. useless toil (banner for the outside of an institution) black acrylic on found fabrics 2010

Asterix vs Asterisk - wall drawing in black acrylic - 2010