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all images are copyright the artists
interim 2010 artists
Barr + Dowler
Emma Connor
Dear + Harris + Ilett
Megan Hoyle
Catherine Jones
Anna Rhodes
Rachel Wilson
Thursday 11th March to Friday 26th March
9am - 4pm (weekdays only)
leeds college of art
vernon street
ls2 8ph
0113 202 8106
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what is ex and interim?
ex 2011 artists
essay by Nina Wakeford
introduction ex 2011
interim 2011 artists
ex 2010 artists
introduction by sean kaye
essay by chris newlove horton
ex 2009 artists
introduction by Sean Kaye
essay by Nicola Celia Wright
video of artists in the basement
ex 2008 artists
introduction by Jenny West
ex 2007 artists
ex 2007 introduction
interim 2010 artists
introduction by jon wood
interim 2009 artists
introduction by simon wallis
introduction by juan cruz
harry meadley prize 2009
interim 2008 artists
introduction by Alex Hodby