He has recently been included in: Attack of the Anti-Flats, Etcetera Gallery, London; Interim, LCAD, Leeds; XLIV, MXXII, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds; 12 Steps Down, Shoreditch Town Hall, London; Curiosity in Cabinets, Royal Marsden Hospital, London; Play Contra, Nolias Gallery, London.
He recently had the essay, co-authored with Alan Jones, To declare or not to declare, that is the question! Conversations on the Collectivity Symposium published in Chelsea Zeit Magazine, Spring 2009 and the essay System Preferences - Alan Jones and Tom Walker in the middle of ‘no place’ also coauthored with Alan Jones published in Chelsea Zeit Magazine, Summer 2009.
He is currently working on Discussions on ’Futurist Manifesto’ for a new publication.
Walker’s practice presents a critique of rationalism and is concerned with the expression of logic and ideology in lived space. The result of this is that his practice becomes the utilization of the relationship between the literal manifestations of something and its connotative and analogous potential. His work utilizes consistent, formal mechanisms as a means of exposing the structural properties and use value of an ideology and seeks to question the existing language games at play. He explores this by breaking down distinct and recognizable events and objects, particularly ones that are politically charged, into their literal and formal mechanisms. In ex Walker shows two video works: Punk is dead which presents punk simply as the act of jumping up and down and All you have to do is dance to save the world where pole dancing is presented as the act of sliding down a pole. He intentionally presents an ambiguous hierarchy between ideology and technology so as not to impose a closed, dogmatic or didactic position on the viewer, the works encourage debate. For Walker, there can be no space without ideology and this position is consistent throughout his practice.

Windmill and Electric Light (test) - Digital print - 2009