Nicholas Humphrey was born in Leeds in 1982 and studied at Leeds College of Art & Design between 2003 and 2004 and then at Chelsea College of Art & Design from 2004 to 2008.
He has recently been included in: Brickman 120ft Tall, McGregor Courtyard, Chelsea College of Art & Design, London; House, Lower Grosvenor Place, Belgravia, London; Trinity 06, Trinity Buoy Wharf, London; Nowhere Now Here, St. Pancras Parish Church Crypt, London; Royal Melbourne Inst of Technology Project, Internet Based Collaboration, London & Melbourne, Australia.
He is currently a production assistant at Artangel and is included in the following forthcoming exhibitions: Nicholas Humphrey, Fontana Gallery, Carrer del Topazi, Barcelona, Spain; The Way Things Were, The Kings Road, Chelsea, London.
Humphrey’s works often come from ideas or proposals by other artists which, for various and varied reasons, have remained unrealised. He does not actively seek out unrealised proposals but becomes aware of them through their status as being collectively known and retold. As a result the proposals he works with inevitably differ from the true original. They are coloured by their many retellings and are filtered through a collective unconscious. What results is not a straight realisation of the original proposal but inevitably a new work.